
Israel Palestine


Territory Time lapse
1945 Palestine land ownership
Partition Plan territory split It looks like the jews got a lot but most of it was Negev desert
data for partition plan


Balfour Declaration-1917

The main reason behind the Declaration was Zionist Lobbying, Lloyd George and Balfour were both Zionists and Lloyd George was indebted to Weizmann, a leader of the Zionist movement. They used hopes of swaying America/Russia to justify this. Both cabinet members were quite sympathetic to Zionism, In a conversation with Weizmann about the Jewish Tragedy, Belfour shed tears. Lloyd George had Jewish friends and visited Israel and told them that the declaration came from a place of sympathy. The claims of swaying Russia/US were either optimistic or overestimating the Jewish power around the world.

There are many other theories as to why Britain made this declaration:

Declaration effects
Was the Balfour Declaration fair?

Mandatory Palestine

Mandatory Palestine was the British owned Palestine
The Mandate was terminated on 14 May 1948

Who was responsible for the start of the Arab-Israeli conflict?

It seems like the Jews were immigrating to Palestine peacefully, and the Arabs were killing them because they felt threatened because of the Balfour Declaration.
Are the Jews really supposed to purity-test the British mandate when they are being slaughtered all over the world?
However the Jews most likely knew what they were doing when they immigrated, they were the settlers.

Arab Revolt 1936

1947 Partition Plan

1947-1948 Civil war

70,000 Arabs fled in December
There were a lot of massacres, not very cool from both sides

Declaration Of Independence

 Declaration of independence was made by David Ben-Gurion, at the time he was the executive head of the World Zionist Organization and a chairman of the Jewish agency for Palestine.
This Declaration was done on the same day that the British ended their mandate over Palestine.

This Declaration did not specify the borders that this new state encapsulated, however it did say:
“The State of Israel is prepared to cooperate with the agencies and representatives of the United Nations in implementing the resolution of the General Assembly of the 29th, November, 1947”
This suggests that Israel was willing to follow the Partition Plan guidelines.


It was only a few days until four of the seven states of the Arab League (Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan, and Syria) and the Arab Liberation Army invaded the supposed new state and fought the Israelis. They invaded from the South, East, and North however the coordination was poor between them.

Arab-Israeli war- 16 May 1948

The UN declared a truce on the 29 May, which began on 11 June and lasted 28 days, although both sides did find ways around this truce and during this time the conflict was bubbling and both sides were strengthening their armies.

The UN also declared an arms embargo, which meant that no weapons were allowed to go into these countries.

On 7 July, the day before the truce expired, Egypt attacked Negba.

9-18 July 1948

On the 9 July, Israeli forces launched an attack with many operations such as: Dani, Dekel, and Kedem.

In operation Dani 60,000 Palestinian residents were expelled.
In operation Dekel Nazareth was captured on 16 July and lower Galilee was captured on 18 July.

Bernadotte Plan- 16 September 1948

He offered a partition plan, but it was rejected by both sides

18 July 1948 - 10 March 1949

On 18 July the second truce of the conflict went into play after massive persuasion from the UN.

During the truce Egyptians were blocking a lot of supply convoys. So on 15 October, Operation Yoav was launched by Israel, it’s goal was to split the Egyptian forces and to conquer the Negev. The operation was a success, forcing Egyptian forces to retreat.

On the 22 October a third truce went into effect.

However, the ALA didn’t seem to respect this truce and attacked the IDF multiple times, and on 24 October, the IDF demanded the ALA to withdraw.

When ALA leader, al-Qawuqji said no the IDF launched Operation Hiram and captured the entire Galilee.

This is an example of Israel being more shrewd

On 22 December, the IDF launched Operation Horev with an objective to encircle the Egyptian forces in the Gaza Strip this operation was another clear victory for Israel but they withdrew due to international pressure.

Soon after on 6 January 1949, Egypt announced that they were open to armistice negotiations with Israel

And on 7 January 1949 another truce was achieved.


In 1949, Israel signed armistices with:

Israel after armistice

The West Bank became occupied by Transjordan and the Gaza strip became occupied by Egypt

The armistice lines left them with 22% more territory than the partition plan had planned to give them.

Post Arab-Israeli war- 1949 19 July

In 1950 the Knesset passed the Law of Return, which granted to all jews the right to settle and gain citizenship. This shows that Israel were trying to increase immigration.

Modern Conflict

